Tackling valves in awkward locations - a mobile turning solution - Total Lockout
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Tackling valves in awkward locations – a mobile turning solution

Introducing the Modec MC89# Papillon.

This butterfly shaped torque management device was designed to create a torque reaction fixture for a valve below ground.

  • There was no vehicular access to valve
  • The valve was very high turning torque.
  • There was no existing fixed structure to locate the torque reaction arm and lanyard.

We designed the fixture to fit in the aperture hole and locate against the inner side walls of the valve chamber.

Modec Papillon B

The portable valve actuator offers over 900Nm turning torque and up to 320RPM spindle rotation, depending on model choice.

This once again demonstrates Total Lockout’s technical expertise in handling valve turning applications of high complexity. This equipment is made to order for JN Bentley and delivered to a site location in Warrington, England.

For more information about taking the hard work out of turning difficult valves, contact Total Lockout today.


Tel: 01376 325506


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